A Long Road Home

We woke up to cloudy skies this morning, but it was warm and muggy. Not too comfy putting on long pants. A check of the internet for weather in
We were awake very early this morning, 5:30 AM in my case. Getting a bit of the travel anxiety blues. At 8:00 AM we headed out for one last walk down to Starbucks for coffee, a quick trip into International Marketplace and then back to the hotel to meet our shuttle for a 9:15 AM pickup.
The shuttle arrived right on time, and we are underway to the airport. Both of us are sad to be leaving. There were not too many other pickups along the way, so we arrived at the airport at about 10:45 and then started the long process of security checks and boarding.
We had our passports checked immediately when the Harmony Gate opened. Then we had them checked again at the check in counter. We were initially slated for row 24, but they offered us an upgrade to row 8 which is next to an emergency exit. It will be great for me with my long legs.
Then we headed for airport security, a bit of a shock. Again passports and boarding passes were checked, and then all pockets emptied, the laptop pulled out of its case and shoes taken off. My camera bag loaded with its myriad of electronics had to go through the X-Ray scanner twice, and then was physically searched. The bullet in my neck did not set off the metal detector this time, although it did on the way down.
After clearing screening, we headed for Gate 9. A lucky number for me as I have always liked the number 9 and have worn it almost my entire life while playing baseball and hockey. The walk to gate 9 seemed to take forever, and felt like it was halfway back to
One more stop before the gates and that was to the Duty Free shop. 32 oz bottle of Bacardi rum cost $12.00. The same bottle at home is over $30.00, hmmm can you say price gouging by our Canadian Government and their exorbitant tax schedule? Oh well, I guess we have to pay the pensions of all those forcibly retired Liberal politicians. Too bad we can’t get back the $32,000,000 they stole from us hardworking taxpayers. Well, ok, I used to work and not all that long ago either.
That said, I can’t think of another country I’d like to live in, or one I would be as proud to call home. There seemed to be one Snafu at the gate, one couple was being held up and going through a whole new security check. Eventually we got inside, and now we are just waiting for our boarding call and to pick up our duty free.
Finally we boarded the plane and set for departure. Just as they were about to push the plane back, there was a delay as the door had to be reopened. Apparently, not enough drinking water had been taken on board, so we had to wait twenty minutes. That done, we finally were underway.
The seats we ended up with were right by the emergency exit. Great for stretching ones legs out, however, there were no windows to look out of except for a two inch round porthole. The seats themselves were narrower than normal and the dinner trays were next to unusable. The takeoff was very smooth, and we climbed quickly to 35,000 feet for our flight home.
Dinner was served and it was very nice. There was complimentary wine with dinner as well. The in-flight movies featured Two for the Money, which I had seen before and another titled Duma that I had never heard of. It was a South African film about a boy who adopts a cheetah cub. The movie was very good, and we enjoyed it immensely.
Finally, after only 5.5 hours we were on final approach to
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